Bad Medicine


Ephesians 4:31-32 (New Living Translation)

Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.


Every time I replay another person’s hurtful behavior towards me—the angry words, the stinging criticisms—I take another dose of poison into my system. I reintroduce the sickness and the pain of the original offense.

In a sense, I take the other person’s sin inside me and make it my own.

Evil is destructive, no matter who perpetrates it or what form it takes. Shaming words still have the power to hurt long after they are spoken. Betrayal, injustice, abuse, lies and gossip against us—the memory of these evils can cripple and torment us for decades. As long as we cling to the pain and replay the injury in our heads, we choose the role of victim instead of victor. We give the evil deed mastery over our thoughts and feelings, feeding ourselves on remembered pain. And to keep our addiction alive, we must keep reintroducing the poison into our system.

What’s the remedy? Get rid of all evil, whether it began with you or with someone else. Stop dosing yourself with another other person’s poison. Instead, choose to submit yourself to God and receive the antidote to evil that comes through faith in Christ Jesus. Release your injury to him and allow his goodness to control you. Be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving, remembering the price he paid to make you whole and healthy.


FATHER, I don’t know what makes reliving the pain of evil done to me so attractive. I want to follow you, yet so often my thoughts fall back into pointless ruminations of wounds suffered and trust betrayed. Give me the grace I need to stay out of these pits of despair and bitterness. When evil tries to master my thoughts and feelings, help me to remember your goodness, and give me the resolve I need to turn my back on evil. Thank you for the price you paid so that I can always choose to live in truth and light.


Psalm 120:2; Proverbs 2:12-15


What form of hurtful or offensive behavior are you most likely to take inside you and replay? How can God armor you against this weakness?

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