In each heart lies a Bethlehem, an inn where we must ultimately answer whether there is room or not. Ann Weems
Posts Categorized: Blog
Author Interview with Judith Ingram
Author Judith Ingram shares her thoughts on writing and what’s coming next.
Please Vote!
My newest book, Forgiving Day by Day: Practicing Go’d’s Ways in Our Relationships, is nominated for the Christian Indie Award. This book is a collection of my weekly devotionals with prayers and exercises added for a twelve week practice.
If you have not yet voted, I would love for you to visit the contest website and vote: I’m hoping that this contest provides opportunity for new readers to explore the possibilities of forgiving and inviting God to heal their painful wounds and damaged relationships.
Fear Not
In the midst of uncertainty, we are prone to fear, and fear spotlights the weakness of our faith. Jesus understood this weakness and compassionately reminded his disciples not to fear but to trust God. Our Father knows our need before we ask, and in his goodness and love, he gives us faith and strength to endure hardships when our human frailties defeat our best spiritual intentions. Our present struggle against a microscopic enemy is opportunity to acknowledge God’s sovereignty and choose to remain faithful to God’s ways of generosity, sacrifice, and love.
Talking with Catholics about the Gospel
As an evangelical Protestant, I’ve often wondered how I can share the faith that means so much to me with Catholic family and friends, without confronting, offending, or confusing them. This book, Talking with Catholics about the Gospel: A Guide for Evangelicals, provides a short, accessible introduction to the basic theologies of both Catholics and Protestants and offers practical tips for engaging Catholics in religious conversation with respect and love but without compromising the foundational tenets of one’s faith.