Do Not Steal


Exodus 20:15 (New International Version)

“You shall not steal.”


Do not steal. It’s the eighth commandment given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai, and the intent seems plain enough: Don’t take someone’s wallet; don’t steal his car. Don’t empty your neighbor’s bank account using a false identity.

Deeper study, however, reveals the “do not steal” principle permeating several other commandments as well:

#6 Do not murder (don’t steal your neighbor’s life).

#7 Do not commit adultery (don’t steal your neighbor’s spouse).

#8 Do not steal (don’t steal your neighbor’s possessions).

#9 Do not give false testimony against your neighbor (don’t steal your neighbor’s defense and good name).

#10 Do not covet whatever belongs to your neighbor (don’t indulge in envy that prompts you to steal from your neighbor).

Jesus taught that all the law of the Old Testament can be summarized in just two commandments: Love God above all else, and love your neighbor as yourself.

The law of Moses prohibited stealing from one’s neighbor because stealing violates God’s law of love, which demands that we love and protect our neighbor as we would love and protect ourselves. Each commandment thus lends itself to a positive application rooted in love:

#6 Do respect and protect your neighbor’s life, health, and safety.

#7 Do honor your neighbor’s marriage.

#8 Do respect your neighbor’s property rights.

#9 Do speak only the truth about your neighbor.

#10 Do be glad for your neighbor’s success and good fortune.

The next time you find yourself in conflict with your neighbor (friend, coworker, family member), ask yourself, Am I stealing from this person? Am I taking away honor, respect, or attention? Am I telling partial-truths and damaging her good name by my gossip? Have my harsh words or passive-aggressive treatment hurt her spirit or denied her the right to express her viewpoint? Am I spoiling her chance to shine and be noticed because I am envious?

James 4 tells us that we kill and covet, quarrel and fight, because evil desires are at war within us. Let us ask God for victory over that battle so that we can truly love and not harm our neighbors.


FATHER, thank you for your law that exposes my sin. Forgive me for those times when I have stolen from my neighbor to fill an aching desire within me. Show me the source of my envy and expose the lie that compels me to hurt my neighbor to help myself. Give me victory over this battle by the healing power of your grace and love.


Matthew 7:12; James 4:1-2


When did someone’s words or behavior steal something from you? In what ways did you feel diminished?

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