Small Surrenders


Philippians 2:13-16a CEB

God is the one who enables you both to want and to actually live out his good purposes. Do everything without grumbling and arguing so that you may be blameless and pure, innocent children of God surrounded by people who are crooked and corrupt. Among these people you shine like stars in the world because you hold on to the word of life.


I watch the evening news and ask myself, Has the world gone crazy? Horrifying footage of mob assaults on our institutions and citizens, hateful slogans targeting innocent people, and hamstrung ranks of law enforcement officers trying to restore and maintain order and safety frighten and confuse me. Has the prince of this world finally been given free reign over our nation? How have common decency and respect for God and for one another come to be so lost among us?

I’ve gained new empathy for the disciples, who looked to Jesus for rescue from the leadership hypocrisies and moral dissolution of their time. They wanted a hero to rise up against all that was unjust and restore justice, to conquer all that was evil and hurtful and establish a safe and peaceful society. Their desires echo thoughts I’ve had about electing political leaders whose hearts belong to God and whose lawful powers position them to effect widespread change for the good.

Like me, the disciples yearned for God’s immediate rule on a grand scale. Jesus, however, knew the kingdom of God advances in small steps, patiently and trustingly. Social and political reform cannot foster themselves but must be born of spiritual reform, that is, a turning back to God that changes the heart and will with each quiet surrender of our selfish ways. Jesus was a big-picture person who nevertheless focused on the individual. Every person matters. Every personal struggle has cosmic significance.

Amid voices shouting for regime change in America today, Christians are called to the regime change that matters most: advancing the rule of God in every facet of our society. In our schools and in our homes, in places of business and corridors of government, conformity to God’s mind and heart must be our highest priority. The apostle Paul reminds us that God gives us both the desire and the means to “live out his good purposes” if we will but consent to his lordship. In the kingdom that God is establishing through us, there is no surrender too small to be useful. Each humble act of obedience opens space for the Spirit to move into our circumstances and accomplish God’s work, with power beyond what any human, individually or institutionally, could possibly achieve.

Our personal spiritual reformation—and thereby the reformation of our country and the world—proceeds incrementally, one small surrender at a time. Like mustard seeds, our efforts to practice goodness and forgive our offenders sprout and mature under the power of God’s Spirit. We can become havens of rest and refreshment for souls who are weary of conflict and hatred and disillusionment. God establishes each of us strategically and equips us for those moment-by-moment encounters that can change lives and promote social change.


Gracious Father, I want to live out your good purposes in my life. Prompt me with your Spirit to make the small surrenders you desire and multiply them to the glory of your Name and the advancement of your kingdom in this world.


Matthew 13:31-32; Romans 12:1-2


In what ways do I defy God’s lordship when I encounter people who offend or disagree with me? What small surrenders might God require of me?

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