Hebrews 3:12, 14 (New Living Translation)
Be careful then, dear brothers and sisters. Make sure that your own hearts are not evil and unbelieving, turning you away from the living God.…For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ.
It’s a package deal: Choosing to follow Christ not only rescues us from God’s judgment but also commits our lives to his lordship. From the moment of our surrender, our daily challenges become testing grounds for our character as the Spirit works with us to make us more and more like our Savior.
Practically speaking, our initial decision to give our lives to God is only the first in a long series of turning point decisions. With each new situation that arises, we must ask ourselves whether we will seek God’s desire first or pursue our own agenda, whether we will follow in Christ’s footsteps or not.
For example, if I am struggling in a relationship dilemma, I can stop wringing my hands or clenching my fists, and instead ask myself, What would it mean for me to turn my heart toward God right now, in this moment? Such a decision might lead me to take action in a way I would not otherwise consider:
- See good in the other person instead of only what offends me.
- Drop the label “adversary” or “offender” to describe the other person.
- Choose to forgive.
- Face an unpleasant truth about myself.
- Initiate a bold, positive move and trust God to help me carry it through.
- Face the reality that the relationship may never be what I’d hoped for.
- Make a difficult but necessary decision that I have been avoiding.
- Give up control and ask God for my next step.
- Offer an apology.
- Work to change a selfish attitude or behavior in myself.
In turning my heart toward God, I release the situation to him and to the outcome that he has planned. My desires can take a backseat to his agenda because I trust that he has my ultimate good in mind. God also rewards my obedience with the benefit of “sharing in all that belongs to Christ.” I can enjoy the friendship of Christ as my sovereign Lord, elder brother, sympathetic advocate before God, and trustworthy Shepherd who always leads me in the right path.
FATHER, I confess to many times when I have felt stuck in a relationship conflict and yet have resisted giving you lordship over the situation. At such times nudge my heart to turn toward you. Reshape my attitudes to reflect your heart and guide my actions to serve your plan. Thank you for sending your Word and your Spirit to direct my steps.
Joshua 24:15; Psalm 119:14; John 5:19
How might turning your heart toward God change a relationship conflict in your life right now?