1 Peter 5:12b (New Living Translation)
My purpose in writing is to encourage you and assure you that what you are experiencing is truly part of God’s grace for you. Stand firm in this grace.
God’s wisdom teaches us to look for his grace in every circumstance, even the most difficult and painful ones.
It’s easy to recognize God’s loving care in the blessings we receive, in circumstances that make us feel happy and secure and fortunate. But what about when disaster hits or when systems beyond our control threaten us? Where is God when relationships fail despite our best efforts or when our obedience to him brings on ridicule and persecution?
We don’t easily recognize God’s grace in a difficult circumstance. We may even conclude that God doesn’t really care and has abandoned us altogether.
At such times we must remember to think with the mind of Christ and not rely on the world’s wisdom. Through faith we know that God is sovereign, which means that he has either ordained or permitted every circumstance in our lives. It also means that there are many circumstances he has not permitted. We will never know all the dangers from which God has secretly rescued us, all the times we were kept safe because he sent his angels to defend and protect us.
Biblical wisdom tells us that God has already thought through all possibilities and, in his gracious love, has chosen to allow only those circumstances that can work for our ultimate good if we choose, as Jesus did, to remain steadfast in our faith. God knows exactly how each test or temptation can teach us something new about obedience and relying on him for our strength and direction. As Christ on earth learned obedience from what he suffered, we too are perfected and made holy as we view our trials through the lens of God’s grace and mercy and learn to stand firm in them.
FATHER, I confess I don’t like the idea of suffering and would rather avoid it if possible. When trials do come, however, teach me how to stay close to you and draw strength from your love. Give me wisdom to eventually see how this particular test or suffering can teach me something I need to know and could learn in no other way. Help me to see through the lie that my suffering is proof that you don’t care; teach me instead to recognize your grace in every circumstance you allow in my life.
1 Corinthians 2:16; Hebrews 5:8; 1 Peter 5:6-7
How might looking for God’s grace change your attitude toward a difficult circumstance in your life?