Humility Challenge


Philippians 2:3-4 NRSV

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others.


What does it mean to regard others as better than yourselves? Don’t we all have equal value before God?

The Bible does indeed teach us that God knows each of us intimately and loves us extravagantly, despite our equally sinful state and desperate need for God’s compassion and mercy. Paul’s word to the Philippians does not question our innate worth. Rather, it spotlights the prideful state of our hearts that can cripple our relationships.

Too often we selfishly exalt ourselves to such an extent that we cannot clearly see or respond to others as God would desire. Pride nudges us to favor ourselves and promote our own interests at the expense of others. Perhaps more than any other sin, pride separates us from each other and from God.

To regard another as better than myself means to get myself out of my own way, enough so that I can see and hear the needs of those around me and be moved to compassion. Humility, or “lowliness of mind,” helps me to set aside any anxiety about taking care of myself that would prevent me from reaching out to help others. When we recognize that all our worth comes from our loving Father and all our righteousness from the Son who paid for our sins, we can surrender our inflated sense of worth and rely on God’s promise that he will lift us up in due time (1 Peter 5:6).

With God’s help, we can practice replacing our pride with an attitude of humility. Here is a challenge for you: Try putting someone else’s interests above your own for one day. Choose a person and commit to the following statements:

Today I will exalt [person’s name] above myself. I will pay close attention to this person’s needs and wants and circumstances. For one day I will look for indications of what pleases or frustrates, what helps or hurts, what soothes or scares this person. For this one day I will gently and respectfully do all I can to help and encourage this person and not expect anything in return, not even an acknowledgement of my efforts. I will not count the cost to myself or congratulate myself or tell others of my generosity.

For this one day, whenever I am inclined to put my own desires ahead of this person’s, I will instead remember that God loved me so much that he sent Jesus to suffer unselfishly in my place. God reached out to me not because I deserve grace but because he loved me and saw my hopeless circumstance and was moved to compassion. For one day he put my needs above those of his Son and saved me through the sacrifice on the cross.

It has been said that true humility lies not in putting ourselves down but in lifting others up. Learning to regard others as better than ourselves positions us to be lifted up by God in his good time.


Loving Father, I confess to a high opinion of myself that is wholly undeserved. Forgive me for all the times I have hurt and frustrated others because of my prideful pursuits. I ask for grace to see myself as I truly am and to appreciate that everything good in me is the result of your loving hand on my life. Help me in this challenge to put another person above myself for one day. Teach me to be humble like Jesus, who became nothing, a lowly servant who died a shameful death for me, and was exalted to the highest place with you in your good time.


Proverbs 3:34; Philippians 2:1-11


How might a humble attitude help me to see others more clearly and deeply?

Spirit Enemies


Psalm 5:8 NLT

Lead me in the right path, O LORD, or my enemies will conquer me. Make your way plain for me to follow.


Who is my enemy? If I believe it to be someone who injures or offends me, then my thinking is too small. Scripture tells us we are in constant spiritual battle, and our true enemies are the rebellious spirits who have set themselves against God and all that God loves. These agents of evil conceal themselves in the dark corners of our world and prompt us to perform selfish and hateful acts against each other.

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Nailed to a Cross


Psalm 22:16 NIV

Dogs have surrounded me; a band of evil men has encircled me, they have pierced my hands and my feet.


This psalm of David is one of the Messianic psalms that foretell of Christ. Psalm 22 in particular alludes to Jesus’ crucifixion, with verse 16 describing his hands and feet nailed to the cross. Today the cross is a beautiful sign of our faith, but in Jesus’ day it was a gruesome symbol of public humiliation and torture. Prisoners were made to carry their own crosses to the execution site amid the jeers and taunts of a hostile crowd.

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Thirsting for God


Psalm 42:1-2 NLT

As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God. When can I go and stand before him?


What is it that we thirst for?

  • Love and belonging
  • Joy and peace.
  • Security.
  • Loyal companionship.
  • Perfect understanding.
  • Unconditional acceptance.
  • Forgiveness without strings.

We yearn for perfect fulfillment. Yet when we seek these things in our human relationships, we are bound to be disappointed, sooner or later.

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Green-Eyed Vision


Psalm 73:1-5 NIV

Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold. For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. They have no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong. They are free from the burdens common to man; they are not plagued by human ills.


The psalmist brilliantly describes one of the chief problems with envy: It distorts our perceptions. In his moment of misery, the psalmist looks at the people who have what he desires, and all he sees is happiness.

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