I Am


Exodus 3:13-14 NIV

Moses said to God, “Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?” God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”


God told Moses to call him, I AM WHO I AM. Another way to translate this name is, I will be who I will be. The name tells us that God is the fixed point in all that is. He needs no reference point to define who he is or affirm his worth. In fact, he Himself is the reference point that gives definition and value to all else in his creation.

The very words, “I am,” also describe a special longing that we humans all share in wanting to be recognized and affirmed. We want to be seen and appreciated. We want our lives to matter. It is not wrong or arrogant to desire validation. Such desire is, in fact, an affirmation that we are made in God’s own image. Of all his creation, we alone are self-aware. We alone have been entrusted with a soul that yearns for significance.

God designed us to find our significance in him. Our yearning pulls us like a magnet to seek our Creator as the reference point that tells us who we are and why we matter. For this reason, many of our relationship troubles can be traced to our setting up other humans—instead of God—to be our reference point and looking to them to affirm our identity and value. No matter how much they love and value us, however, other humans cannot give us the perfect affirmation we seek. Inevitably, they will fail to appreciate our “I am” and trigger our hurt and resentment.

The next time you find yourself feeling hurt and resentful, consider whether you are disappointed because another person has failed to affirm your “I am” as only your Creator can.


Lord God, you are the only absolutely fixed point in my life, the only One who is perfectly steadfast, good, and trustworthy. Help me to recognize when I am unfairly expecting others to complete me as only you can. Give me grace to forgive them and wisdom to realize that only you can satisfy my need for significance and see my “I am” fully and without distortion.


Psalm 8:3-4; Luke 12:7


What does the Bible tell me about why I matter?

God’s New Year


1 Kings 19:11-13


In looking ahead to the new year, our church congregation is praying for God’s guidance through a key vision question: How does God want to express himself through our church in our community at this time? A slight rephrasing of this question provides an excellent prompt for our personal devotions as well: How does God want to express himself through me in the spaces I inhabit at this particular time?

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Naughty but Nice


Revelation 3:5 NLT

All who are victorious will be clothed in white. I will never erase their names from the Book of Life, but I will announce before my Father and his angels that they are mine.


Like Santa, we each have our personal Naughty-or-Nice list. We evaluate people according to how they’ve treated us and let our feelings determine how we think about them. We count ourselves justified in treating people differently depending on where we’ve placed them in our ledger.

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Practical Forgiveness – Practice 10

Depend on God.

Forgiveness has been called an unnatural act. We humans instinctively hunger for justice that balances a wrongful deed with punishment that fits the crime. When we seek to be like Jesus, the Spirit reshapes our desires with a new, divine nature that makes forgiveness and loving our enemies possible.

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Practical Forgiveness – Practice 9

Love because God loves.

When we surrender our relationships to the rule of love, God transforms our perceptions of the people who hurt and betray us. Instead of seeing enemies, we recognize fellow humans suffering in traps of sin and self-deception.

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