Psalm 139:23-24 NIV
Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
These are daunting words. When we pray David’s prayer, we ask God to look through our defenses and expose the life we keep hidden from others and even from ourselves. We ask God to show us the terrifying, ugly realities of our thoughts and choices that make us anxious and miserable. We give the Holy Spirit permission to hold up a perfect mirror and reflect all the imperfections in us that grieve our loving Father’s heart.
When we pray David’s prayer, we consent to a divine testing that measures us against all that is holy and pleasing to God. We risk confrontation with surprising and embarrassing truths about the real condition of our hearts.
Reflecting on our sin is never fun. Yet spiritual checkups such as David’s psalm suggests are as vital to our spiritual health as are annual well visits to the doctor’s office. Sometimes a routine test turns up an anomaly that could lead to serious illness if left untreated. In like manner, unacknowledged sin progressively corrupts us, infecting our relationships and denying us the life and peace that God’s Word promises.
As Christians we desire to live in ways that please God. Jesus Himself pointed out that what makes us unholy are diseases of the heart: evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, and slander (Matthew 15:18-19). Paul and James add to the list jealousy, covetousness, filthy or foolish talk, gossip, dishonesty, and selfish ambition.
As a practical application of David’s psalm, we can seek quiet time with the Lord and ask the following questions:
- What is the sin in my life right now that God wants to alert me to and correct?
- What is the effect of this sin in my life? How does this corruption taint my relationships or my personal well-being?
- How is this particular sin offensive to God?
- What is God’s holy and righteous alternative to this sinful behavior? What is “the way everlasting” that God would have me walk instead?
Holy Spirit, help me to face the sin in my life that leads me away from You. Give me wisdom and courage to face what offends You, to seek and accept your forgiveness, and to change my course to walk in your everlasting way.
Colossians 3:5-11; James 3:13-18
How might a grateful heart counteract the power of sin in my life?