The Good Neighbor


Luke 10:36-37 NIV

“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”


Perhaps it’s animal instinct, but we humans tend to seek out people of our own kind. We group ourselves with others who think like us, look like us, live like us, vote like us. We can be wary, skeptical, and dismissive of “those others” who think and act differently from the way we and our friends do.

The gospel of Jesus makes a point of erasing our perceived social boundaries by boiling our identity down to one key question: Do we love and follow God or not? A yes or no answer will determine all the rest of it—how we see others, how we treat them, how we evaluate our circumstances and relationships.

The passage quoted above is an excerpt from Jesus’ familiar parable of the Good Samaritan. Earlier in the discourse, a self-righteous lawyer has tested Jesus by asking a question: Who is my neighbor? Jesus responds by telling a story that reveals the real question to be, not who is my neighbor? but rather, what kind of neighbor am I? The story teaches that the sincerity of our faith is demonstrated by how well we treat one another and especially our enemies—those who hurt us, whose life choices offend us, whose thinking seems clearly on the wrong track. People whom we would never invite into our homes for a meal.

The Samaritan in Jesus’ parable looked upon his enemy—a Jew badly beaten to the point of death—and saw only a suffering man who needed loving kindness. Can we similarly look upon our “enemies” and see only fellow human beings who need our compassion and kindly words? Can we forgive their offenses, overlook our differences, and stand with them and for them instead of against them? Jesus says elsewhere that we should love our enemies. If we can do that, then we show ourselves to be good neighbors and true children of our Father in heaven.


Father of us all, sometimes I entrench myself so deeply in my own opinions that I cannot see the real person behind my label of “enemy.” I allow myself to be biased by the rhetoric and limited perceptions of the group with whom I identify. Help me to identify first with your family and to seek your view of each person and circumstance. Forgive the arrogance of my judging attitudes and teach me to love and value every person I meet.


Matthew 5:43-45; Galatians 3:28; Philippians 2:3-5


In what area of my life—political, social, educational, religious—am I most likely to group people into “them” and “us”? Can I name at least six things I have in common with “those other” people?

Sometimes We Stumble


Psalm 37:23-24 NRSV

Our steps are made firm by the Lord, when he delights in our way; though we stumble, we shall not fall headlong, for the Lord holds us by the hand.


No matter how much we love God and want to do what pleases him, we will at times act foolishly, make mistakes, and hurt other people. Although we want to act rightly, sometimes we say or do things so blatantly selfish, mean, or destructive that we shock even ourselves. “That’s not me,” we say. “I’m not really like that.”

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Don’t Forget to Do Good


Hebrews 13:16 NLT

And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.


It’s an interesting statement: Don’t forget to do good. In other words, remind yourself to follow God’s ways. Don’t get caught up in your own agenda, but consider what good and right and helpful action you might take in every situation and relationship. This advice can be difficult to heed, especially when others treat us badly. How easy it is to “forget” to do good to those who have betrayed us, offended us, or cheated us.

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Caring for Family


Matthew 25:37-40 NRSV

Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?” And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”


This passage has long served as a commissioning creed for Christian missionaries around the globe.

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A Prayer for America

Almighty God, Lord of all that is created, Ruler of the nations,

we appeal to you on behalf of our beloved country. We honor and thank you for all the blessings our nation has enjoyed since its founding. We thank you for this great inheritance conceived by your Spirit in the hearts of our forbearers, who conceptualized a nation founded on your timeless principles of mercy, justice, and liberty under your supreme authority. In the bounty of your provision for us, however, we became arrogant and forgot our utter dependence upon you for our very survival.

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