On Being Right


Job 40:6, 8 NLT

Then the LORD answered Job from the whirlwind…”Will you discredit my justice and condemn me just to prove you are right?”


Why is being right so important to us? How many times have we distanced ourselves from God and from other people because we couldn’t admit to being wrong or flawed?

Our fear of being wrong may be rooted in childhood shaming by parents, siblings, or others who attacked our self-worth when we showed ourselves to be less than perfect. This arrested fear of shaming carries into adult relationships and may compel us to distort facts and rationalize faulty judgments to avoid the horror of being exposed as weak or flawed. We may try to keep our faults hidden by pointing fingers at other people and making them wrong so we can be right. Proving our case becomes more important than understanding the full truth, fixing blame more urgent than reconciling differences.

Jesus tells the story of two men who went up to the temple to pray: a proud Pharisee and a humble tax collector. He warns his disciples not to be like the Pharisee, who prayed, “God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.”

The self-righteous person believes in self-rightness, that is, in exalting oneself to God’s level by thinking and behaving flawlessly. In such a mind frame, we believe that God owes us a place in heaven because we have been so good and careful. We gauge our worth by comparing ourselves to others and reckoning all the ways in which we are superior.

By contrast, Jesus teaches that in God’s kingdom it is the humble tax collector whom God counts as worthy. Standing apart from the self-righteous Pharisee, he can only beat his breast and pray, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

The next time you are tempted to prove yourself right in a relationship, take a moment to examine your motives. Ask yourself these questions:


Heavenly Father, it is painful for me to admit my imperfections. I confess to the many times I have refused to reconcile with others because they refused to see things my way. I am ashamed to acknowledge how much I resemble that self-righteous Pharisee. Change my heart, Lord, to be like the humble tax collector, who recognized his need for your cover of righteousness and mercy.


Luke 18:9-14; Romans 3:9-12


How do I feel when I make a mistake that is witnessed by others? How do I treat others who make a mistake?

Blessing and Shalom


Jeremiah 29:7 ESV

“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.”


Life is not random although sometimes it seems so. We can feel swept away on circumstances that make no sense and leave us feeling helpless. When tragedy strikes or evil asserts its power over us, we may wonder where God is, if he truly is sovereign, and if he really does care and have a plan for our lives. The Bible assures us that God really does care and that he does have a plan.

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A New Mind


Philippians 2:3-5 NRSV

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus.


Living for Christ means living as Christ would in our daily circumstances. We are each given a sphere of influence—friends, family, coworkers, neighbors—and our job is to make Christ visible by the way we act and speak and make decisions.

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To Be the Potter’s Hand


Jeremiah 18:3-6 NASB

Then I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was, making something on the wheel. But the vessel that he was making of clay was spoiled in the hand of the potter; so he remade it into another vessel, as it pleased the potter to make. Then the word of the LORD came to me saying, “Can I not, O house of Israel, deal with you as this potter does?” declares the LORD. “Behold, like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel.”

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