Looking Like Jesus


Matthew 12:33 NIV

“Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit.”


Everyone knows a cherry tree will produce cherries and a walnut tree will produce walnuts. The tree has no choice but to produce fruit according to the nature it was given by its Creator.

When it comes to people, however, our fruit-bearing nature does become a matter of choice. Jesus told his disciples that if we are willing to be grafted into him, then our Creator will transform our nature from the inside out. Jesus describes us as branches no longer rooted in the world but suddenly rootless and wholly dependent upon him for our nourishment. Anchored in the deep heart of the Father, Jesus draws up into himself all the rich resources that we need to grow good fruit, and he makes them available to us—faithful love, knowledge of God, compassion, mercy, truth, peace, hope. Whatever you need, he says, just ask in my Name and my Father will supply it.

Jesus also tells us that when we start showing the good fruit that brings glory to God, then we show ourselves to be his true disciples. Like the branch maturing on the vine, we take on the characteristics of our parent plant and outwardly resemble Jesus more and more. The Father’s loving nature flows through our veins, and it shows up on our faces, in our conversations, and in our treatment of one another. We begin to care about the things that matter to God. We suffer for causes that further God’s work and forgive each other from hearts that know what it’s like to be freed from impossible debt. We reject evil ways because we are no longer rooted in the world, feeding on its values and temptations.

Proverbs declares that the fruit of the righteous becomes a tree of life. In other words, God uses our obedience to produce good works that can shelter and comfort sin-weary people and draw them to the life-giving hope Christ offers.


HEAVENLY FATHER, sometimes I am so tempted by unhealthy and selfish ways that I doubt I have been truly grafted into your holy Vine. Help me to trust that I belong to you even though I still live in the world and feel the pull of sin. Grow my resemblance to you so that others can see your goodness and love for them in the things I say and do. Thank you for choosing me and appointing me to bear fruit that brings glory to you and goodness to others.


Proverbs 11:30; Luke 3:9; John 15:5-8, 16


What fruit in my life makes me look like Jesus?

Psalm 15: At Home In Me

O LORD, who is worthy to host your holy Presence?

In whose body-temple do You feel comfortable and at home?


Come, reshape my life

and make a fitting abode for Yourself.

Wash away the soil and sin that offends You

and separates me from your holiness.


Ascend with me to the attic of my mind,

to my stockpile of memories and the past I can’t let go.

Sweep away the sticky cobwebs and dirt debris

of grudges and regrets,

the sting of words spoken against me

and the harm I’ve done but cannot undo.

Blow through this stagnation of old life

and make room for the new life you bring

fresh to me every morning.

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Are My Flaws Showing?


1 John 4:17-18 NCV

This is how love is made perfect in us: that we can be without fear on the day God judges us, because in this world we are like him. Where God’s love is, there is no fear, because God’s perfect love drives out fear. It is punishment that makes a person fear, so love is not made perfect in the person who fears.


Why does criticism hurt? Why does betrayal seem unforgivable? Why do mistakes shame us?

The answer is fear of judgment. We fear being exposed for inadequacies and blemishes that would make others despise us.

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Psalm 14: Yes, There Is God!

A meditation inspired by Psalm 14.


The fool says in his heart,

“There is no God.”

Yet which of us has never boasted,

“I am the god of my own life;

I am master of myself”?


We indulge our selfish urges

and tell ourselves that free will means we will answer to no one.

We pursue the prizes we desire

stumbling over our integrity,

stepping on our neighbors to get what we want.


The Lord looks down from heaven

on all the generations of humankind

to see if there is anyone wise,

anyone who seeks God’s will above his own.

But all have turned away,

every eye clouded by sin and lust.

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Pray Before You Leap


Luke 6:12-13 NLT

One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night. At daybreak he called together all of his disciples and chose twelve of them to be apostles.


Jesus spent a lot of time praying. Especially before making a decision or facing a specific task, he readied himself by seeking intimate company with his Father. The above passage tells us that Jesus prayed all night before choosing the twelve men who would become his inner circle of disciples.

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