A meditation on forgiveness inspired by Psalm 13.
Too long, Lord,
have I stumbled in this darkness alone.
When will I hear from You?
Too many are these terrifying thoughts,
these painful worries breeding in the dark chambers of my hidden fears.
My body clenches like a bow string ready to snap;
my heart leaps and stutters.
When will You restore me to the quiet rhythm of your presence?
I search for You until my eyes ache.
I listen but hear only the mocking of the enemy
taunting my faith,
ridiculing my weakness.
Come breathe your strength into me, Holy Spirit,
before the light leaves my eyes
and I sleep the sleep of death.
Then the enemy will crow over me,
“See, I was right! Your God doesn’t love you.
Your faith has come to nothing.”
Yet I have known your love and help before, Lord.
You honored my trust with your saving grace
and stayed by me when I felt lost and alone.
Today I will trust You again.
I will sing the songs You gave me
to get me through times like this.
My soul will find rest in the quiet confidence
that I am your beloved
and You never leave me
to face my darkness alone.