Psalm 3: Enemies Within

O Lord, I am beset by enemies.

Villains taunt me from all sides,

choking me with their stench of death,

their faces so close I can name them—

pride and self-glory,

envy and contempt,

stinging memories of humiliation,

burning anger and lust for revenge.


So many sins! I hide my face in shame.

Still these foes whisper, “Don’t expect your God to deliver you.

Your wickedness has driven God far away.”


But late at night when I am alone

and the dark whispers seem loudest,

I remember your faithfulness to me, O Lord.

You have ever been my shield and my defender.

Helpless and afraid, I cry out to you:

Lord Jesus! Rescue me from these demons!

Break their teeth and still their wagging tongues!

Because you are faithful

have mercy on your faithless servant.


From his seat in heaven my Lord hears me.

He sets his angels around my bed

and silences my foes with the truth of his love.

He settles me into peaceful sleep

and wakens me restored in the morning.


How blessed are your children, Lord,

who trust in your goodness

and wait for your deliverance.

Keep your face ever before me, O my God.

Let nothing cast its shadow over my love for you.

Let no one keep me from trusting your steadfast love for me.

Psalm 2: The Futility of Resisting God

Why is our population so angry and ready to war?

Why do we struggle for power and resist God’s sovereign authority?

“We refuse to be slaves,” each faction declares.

“We will have no God ruling over us

but will answer only to ourselves.”

How foolish we must seem to our heavenly Father,

whose mighty hand holds our fragile universe together

and whose tender heart knows when a sparrow falls.

How foolish we are to believe

that a ruler comes to power without God’s permission,

that society achieves justice without God’s help,

or that evil is defeated by anything but God’s goodness.

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Your Positive Pole


Luke 6:27-31 (NIV)


Have you ever tried to push together the negative poles of two magnets? They repel each other, and the more you try to force them together, the stronger they resist connection. Short of an overriding external force, the only way those two magnets will come together is if one of them flips its position and approaches the other with its positive pole.

Relationships can be like that. When we are in the throes of conflict, approaching each other with our negative poles only increases our resistance to each other.

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THE SCROLL by Miriam Feinberg Vamosh

As a Christian, I have always viewed the first and second centuries C.E. through the lens of early church writings and perspective. I am grateful for Miriam Feinberg Vamosh’s novel, THE SCROLL, for its vivid portrayal of the same time period but offered from the viewpoint of the vanquished Jews. The novel succeeds admirably in drawing readers into the Jewish struggle against Roman oppressors from the time of Masada’s downfall in 73 C.E. onward through the Bar Kochba rebellion a half-century later. Each succeeding generation faces the choice of resisting or submitting to the enemy.

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