Ephesians 5:5 (NLT)
You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or greedy person will inherit the Kingdom of Christ and of God. For a greedy person is an idolater, worshiping the things of this world.
The apostle Paul makes it plain that idolaters have no place in God’s kingdom. Why? Because idolaters pledge their hearts and actions to something or someone other than God.
Our cravings for the things of this world can consume us. They turn us deaf to the counsel of the Spirit, steal our attention and worship away from God, and discourage us from following Christ.
When we refuse to forgive, we choose the path of the greedy idolater. Our pain and outrage loom larger than our desire to please God. We harden our hearts and hold out for satisfaction. Paul says, in effect, that clinging to our grudges makes us idolaters and unfit for Christ’s kingdom.
Take a look at the list below and see if you can identify which idols are stealing your heart away from God.
Ten Idols of the Unforgiver:
- Expectations – I have a fixed idea of how people are supposed to treat me.
- Anger – My righteous anger keeps me strong and safe from further injury.
- Reputation – I fear what people will think of me if I let this offender off the hook.
- Pride – I can boast that I am a better person than the one who hurt me.
- Free Pass – Being wronged gives me a good excuse to behave badly.
- Identity – I enjoy being a victim and garnering sympathy from others.
- Power – I keep the upper hand by withholding forgiveness from my offender.
- Gossip – I relish telling others how this person wronged me.
- Safety – If I forgive, this person might hurt me again.
- Rights – I deserve justice and an apology before I will forgive.
Notice how each rationalization for refusing to forgive turns us away from God and the ways of Christ’s kingdom. You can add to the list by asking yourself, What is the one thing that I cannot give up in order to follow God and forgive? That’s your idol.
FATHER, I long to be fit for your kingdom. Examine my heart and show me the idols that keep me from following Christ’s example and forgiving those who offend me. Give me the desire to honor and worship you above every temptation of this world.
Jonah 2:8; 1 Corinthians 10:14
How might clinging to a grudge make you unfit for Christ’s kingdom?