Posted July 17, 2013 | Judith Ingram
Have you ever found yourself in a relationship that seemed to pack more pain than pleasure?
Your conflict may be with an adult child who lives a troubling lifestyle. A longtime friendship may be dying, or a newer relationship may have turned sour. Perhaps you’re dealing with a parent or a spouse who won’t value or respect you. You may have a boss or coworker who keeps knocking you down.
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Posted June 25, 2013 | Judith Ingram
My only child lives two thousand miles away with her husband and baby daughter. I often wish she lived closer so I could hug her whenever I want and observe firsthand the kaleidoscope of growth events inching my granddaughter toward her first birthday. And I swallow down my disappointment.
Last week my friend confided that she wishes she could move away from her grown children and their families, who all live close by. She reasons that the quality of their visits would improve if they could spend several uninterrupted days together away from the background noise of hectic schedules and everyday distractions.
It occurs to me that my friend and I want the same thing—a satisfying connection with the people we love. Yet if we each got what we crave, would we be satisfied?
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