Posts Categorized: Forgiving Day-by-Day

Twelve Gifts of Christmas – Day 9

Today’s Gift

Give from your treasure.

Take time today to name the many ways in which God has blessed you materially—with money, shelter, food, clothing, transportation. Then choose a way to give a portion of your treasure to a cause or an organization that helps people. Let gratitude and a desire to be generous motivate your gift giving, rather than guilt or a sense of obligation.

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Twelve Gifts of Christmas – Day 8

Today’s Gift

Give a word of blessing.

Words are powerful. Refresh yourself in God’s Word today and let the grace you receive set the tone for your conversations. Resist the urge to criticize and complain. Instead, look for opportunities to bless others with refreshing words of gratitude and hope.

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Twelve Gifts of Christmas – Day 7

Today’s Gift

Give yourself a rest.

It’s difficult, I know, but taking time to rest and rejuvenate is essential if we want to be of service to others. Exhaustion makes us crabby and selfish. Like every good parent, our Father prescribes naps so we can regain our strength and rebalance our priorities. Give yourself the gift of taking a break from your labors and resting in your Father’s arms today.

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Twelve Gifts of Christmas – Day 6

Today’s Gift

Give practical help.

Today you are on a mission to help others in practical ways. Budget your valuable time so that you have extra to help make life easier for someone else. Perhaps a mom with a stroller needs help opening doors or carrying parcels. Maybe you could help a neighbor rake leaves or shovel snow, or sit with the kids while mom goes shopping. Be aware of the elderly and the disabled around you who could use your assistance.

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Twelve Gifts of Christmas – Day 5

Today’s Gift

Give a secret gift of charity.

Look for ways to serve others without expecting a reward. Notice what needs to be done and do it yourself. You might pick up trash left by a stranger or return a shopping cart that is blocking a parking space. Let your gift be a secret between you and your Father.

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