Encourage peacemaking.
As we approach the season of advent, we honor the Son who is called the Prince of Peace. For us, becoming like Jesus means living into peace and forgiveness as our preferred ways of handling relationships. Christ establishes his kingdom of peace through our daily encounters by infusing our ordinary deeds with God’s extraordinary grace. Because of Christ we can offer patience, kindness, love, and mercy to a world that expects judgment, bitterness, and retaliation for an injury suffered.
Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone. (Romans 12:17-18)
With God’s help I will resist the temptation to strike back when I’ve been hurt but will pursue the ways of peace instead.
Practice #1: Forgive what you can.
Practice #2: Seek forgiveness from others.
Practice #3: Pray for your offender.
Practice #4: Speak carefully.
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