Psalm 96:2 (CEB)
Sing to the LORD! Bless his name! Share the news of his saving work every single day!
Each time we surrender our malice and forgive each other, we proclaim the gospel of Christ.
As followers of Christ, we are ambassadors for the kingdom, charged with taking God’s message of reconciliation into the world. We fulfill this calling not only by speaking about what we know but also by the way we act.
Francis of Assisi once said, “It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching.” The way you treat others shows your heart, and people are quick to spot a hypocrite. If you live out the gospel that you believe, then people will be attracted to Christ because of you. If not, they will be skeptical and perhaps dismissive.
When we forgive one another, God’s love is made incarnate and visible in us. People can see in us what they saw in Jesus—the grace and reconciling desire of the Father to save and restore each person, no matter how far they have fallen into sin. In forgiving, we share this gospel—this good news—that changes lives and turns hearts toward God.
Conversely, when we cling to our anger and refuse to forgive, we share the bad news that sin holds powerful sway over us, defeating even our best intentions to live a life that pleases God.
Either way, how we act, more than what we say, sends a message about our faith and the God we love.
To be effective reconciling agents, we must rely on God’s grace and our experience of his mercy and faithfulness in our lives. We are best able to forgive when we remember what God has forgiven in us, what Christ suffered to reclaim our souls for goodness, and how much we need God’s grace to help us resist sinning against others as they have sinned against us.
FATHER, give me the grace and humility I need to forgive those who have harmed me. Help me to be aware of how my actions speak louder than my words, and that my stubborn heart hurts people by denying them your incarnate light in me. Daily refresh my memory of your goodness to me that I may daily share your good news with others.
Matthew 6:12-13; Colossians 3:13
Who might be looking at you today for a glimpse of God’s forgiving heart?
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