Forever Love


Psalm 118:1 (Amplified Bible)

O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever!


How fortunate we are to be children of a God whose loving faithfulness never expires, no matter what we do. Although we cannot earn his love, by the same token we cannot disqualify ourselves from his loving favor! We may ignore him, turn our backs on him and go our own way, yet our Father stays right beside us, showering us with mercy and loving-kindness in blessings we are often slow to acknowledge or even to recognize.

Our God’s faithful attention is saturated with his goodness and light. There is no darkness in him, nothing evil or mean or selfish. We can trust in the truth he speaks to us; we can rely on his wise counsel to lead us in the right path. Unlike our human relationships, which often hurt and disappoint us, our Father’s loving concern always works for our benefit, and it never quits. God is ever ready to listen to us, to help and heal and comfort us. Even though our devotion to him may wax and wane along with our emotions and circumstances, his caring for us remains forever constant and strong.


FATHER, even the people who care most for me cannot match the forever love that you promise. None of us is entirely good, free from sin and selfish intentions, as you are. I know I have failed to love, failed to act with kindness, in the same ways that others have failed me. But you never fail me. Thank you for pursuing me even when I am rebellious and ungrateful. Forgive me for all the ways I have offended and grieved your fatherly heart. Anchor me in your love and make me strong in you so that I can be generous and forgiving of others.


Romans 8:38-39; 1 John 1:5


How can the assurance of God’s love for you make you generous toward others?

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