Morning Compass


Mark 1:35 (New International Version)

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.


How Jesus loved to spend time with his Father! In the wee hours of the morning, it’s as if he heard the Father whisper, “Get up and walk with Me. I have something to show you.” And Jesus would leave his warm bed and follow his Father out into the cold, quiet darkness, anticipating the joy of being together and listening to his Father’s voice.

Prayer was never a ritual or obligation with Jesus. He prayed often and deeply and always when he needed strength and focus to do his holy work. Before the worries of the day pressed in on him, Jesus sought the company and counsel of the Spirit and aligned himself like a compass with the Father’s heart and will.


FATHER, how I desire that vitality of prayer that Jesus had with you! You know how often I’ve awakened in the morning, and the first thing on my mind was trouble or heartache from a relationship, and it set my mood for the day. Speak to me when I am fresh, Lord, when I am newly awake and most open to your voice. Fill me with your Presence and your loving reassurance until there is little room for the fears and sorrows that torment and weaken me. Set your peace as a shield and a comfort around my mind and send me into the day with the joy of knowing you on my heart.


Psalm 27:4-5; Mark 6:45-52


What kinds of thoughts have spoiled your first waking moments?

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