Pray Before You Leap


Luke 6:12-13 (New Living Translation)

One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night. At daybreak he called together all of his disciples and chose twelve of them to be apostles.


Jesus spent a lot of time praying. Especially before making a decision or facing a specific task, he readied himself by seeking intimate company with his Father. The above passage tells us that Jesus prayed all night before choosing the twelve men who would become his inner circle of disciples. For long hours alone in the dark, he surrendered his heart and his will to the Father and received in return the wisdom and support he needed to take that important next step in his ministry.

If the sinless Son of God needed prayer to prepare himself for making his next move, how much more should we be on our knees before facing an important life event or decision! Moreover, how much better equipped would we be to navigate our difficult relationships if we spent some time seeking God’s heart first.

Perhaps we need words to speak to someone with whom we are in conflict, or we are dreading a holiday gathering because of family trouble. We may be facing a decision about a coworker or how to confront a defiant son or daughter. Whatever the challenge, God invites us to spend time with him first so he can give us his wisdom, his protection, and the reassurance of his loving concern.


FATHER, so often I have blundered into an already troubled situation, thinking I could handle it, but ended up saying or doing something that only made matters worse. Teach me the wisdom of seeking your company and counsel first. Grant me patience and humility to submit my will for your correction so that, even in the most difficult situations, your name and your purpose will be honored. Help me to trust that in my obedience to you, you will always work for my good.


Ephesians 6:10-17; John 16:33


What might keep you from seeking God’s heart before you face a decision or a difficult relationship?

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