Unseen Help


Psalm 34:6-7 (New International Version)

This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the Lord camps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.


God’s promises to us are specific: We are never alone. He never abandons us. We are never far from help.

We fail to grasp these truths and trust in God’s constant vigilance because our human sight is so limited and we trust in ourselves too much. How many times has God intervened to save us from harm and then let us continue on our way, unaware of his providence and how close we were to disaster!

Angels are mentioned over two hundred times in the Old and New Testaments. Yet because we don’t see (or recognize) angels in our midst, we discount their ministries in our everyday lives. We need faith, lots of it, to recognize the constant and extraordinary care God gives us. Faith expands our understanding of the world we live in—the seen and the unseen forces at work—and builds our trust in the One who loves and defends us. Faith reassures us that God is always close and ministering in ways we cannot always recognize or appreciate.


FATHER, I long for faith so pure and strong that I see you everywhere in my life. Grow in me a sensitivity to your Spirit and to the angels you have sent to help and protect me. Give me new eyes to recognize your hand of mercy and providence in acts I would otherwise dismiss as coincidence or random luck. I thank you now for all the loving care you give me while I remain unaware.


2 Kings 6:15-17; Hebrews 1:14


Have you ever been aware of an angel working for your good?

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